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27 July 2013
Australian parents of a child with a disability can now register for free Triple P – Positive Parenting Program help through the Australian Stepping Stones Triple P Project.
05 July 2013
Triple P is now being offered to parents in Turkey, with the first positive parenting seminar series in Balçova, Izmir, attracting more than 200 parents.
20 June 2013
A squad of 160 health and education professionals will be trained across Queensland, Australia, under a new project to help improve the lives of children with special needs.
29 May 2013
Parent-based training interventions show greater evidence of effectiveness for treating preschoolers at risk for ADHD than a prescribed medicine, according to a study sponsored by the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
21 February 2013
New York Times social issues commentator David Bornstein has called for parenting support in general – and Triple P in particular – to be considered as a way to prevent child abuse, gun violence and mental health issues in the United States.