In the same way as public-health initiatives such as anti-smoking, healthy eating, depression and immunization awareness programs target entire populations for maximum effect, so can Triple P. Triple P is believed to be the only parenting program designed to be delivered as a public-health initiative.
Because, although it's widely accepted that many evidence-based parenting programs positively affect children, families and communities, most parenting programs reach only a very small number of parents. Having a system that can go to scale, encourages self-sufficiency, and can reach vast numbers of parents – as Triple P does – means the impact can be seen across the society-at-large.
Destigmatizing parenting support
One of the driving principles of this public-health approach is to destigmatize the idea of parenting support. With parenting help so widely available, a parenting program becomes a natural thing to do. It's no longer something to be avoided or something that is considered the mark of a "bad parent". To support the destigmatisation of parenting programs, Triple P has a public communications campaign, called Stay Positive.
Different intensities
But there are other barriers that may prevent parents attending a parenting program. They may need more or less help than is being offered. They may not like doing group courses, or they may not want to be alone. So, Triple P is not a single "one-size-fits-all" program. It is a multi-level system with a suite of programs of increasing intensity. Programs can be chosen to meets the needs of hard-to-reach parents or families with complex or special needs, yet also be offered to parents who are having moderate difficulties with their children or those who may just need a few tips to make parenting easier.
Different delivery modes
Triple P can also be delivered in many different settings (one-on-one, large group, small group) by a range of providers from many different disciplines. Providers are encouraged to tailor the way they deliver the program to suit the parents they work with, but they are trained to ensure that the fidelity of the program remains intact (and remains as effective as it can be).
Different languages
Triple P is also available in a range of different languages.
Triple P allows parents to set their own goals to suit their personal situations and beliefs. Triple P encourages parents and providers to be self-sufficient and not rely on ongoing support.