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Communicating with the public is the first level (Universal) of the Triple P system. It's not a course for parents, but the foundation that works to destigmatize the idea of parenting support, paving the way for them to be more likely to access parenting help when they need it. Universal Triple P also aims to counter parent-blaming messages that are often seen in the media, and to provide handy hints about raising children to the broader population of parents.

The media strategies a practitioner or organization may use to spread the word about parenting (and Triple P) could include regular newspaper columns on parenting issues, radio interviews, participation in television current affairs, news programs or lifestyle programs, public service announcements on both television and radio (conveying brief messages about positive parenting), production of newsletters, brochures and posters, and a telephone information line.


To save organizations the time and money needed to create a local one-off campaign or materials, Triple P Communications has developed an appealing, high-quality communications strategy called Stay Positive. Stay Positive has been evaluated for its efficacy (1) and was found to soften parents' attitudes to the idea of accessing parenting support, making it more likely they would ask for help. Parents also said they like the look and the messages of the Stay Positive materials, because they stood out from the plethora of other government health messages.


Stay Positive's range of promotional and editorial materials includes a localized Triple P website for parents, a full-color parenting newspaper, various brochures, posters and flyers, billboards, newspaper ads, support websites for Triple P practitioners, professionally written Triple P copy for use on websites or newsletters, media releases and more. The Triple P Communications team will guide an organization as it implements Stay Positive within a community.


To find out more about Stay Positive watch this video.


(1) Goossens, F.X., Kielstra, C., Wegman, J., Graaf, de I. Campagne "Positief Opvoeden" Resultaten van onderzoek naar de eerste fase van de campagne "Positief Opvoeden". Utrecht: Trimbos-instituut.